Search through My Brain


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- Next time you visit: Bring cake!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

True optimism doesn't exist

Let me start out by saying: I am a full-blood pessimist. I do not have a problem with optimism, even though I don't quite agree with the ideology.

Recently a thought entered my über-intelligent brain and now I am going to share it. Hold on, now:

True optimism is inexistent!! :O

That's right!

Have a look at this sketch I made in paint!
Heres the legend:
  • Black Pentagon = The act of ignoring problems
  • Red Square = Pessimism
  • Blue Square = Optimism
The arrows symbolize whether it's a negative thing (down) or a positive thing (up)
I believe that if you ask the ignorant commoners to answer whether these things are negative or positive, these will be the results.
Pessimism is negative. Fine.
Optimism is positive. Okay.
Ignoring problems. Sound kinda negative doesn't it?

I Believe that ignoring problems is part of optimism. The more hardcore the optimism, the worse the case. Focus on the positive, brush off the bad and forget about it. Ergo = IGNORE THE PROBLEM

Thus, the pentagon forces both squares to be... Da da da daaaam...:

We can thus conclude: True, or or pure if you'd like, optimism does not exist!!
Thank you, for your time.

1 comment:

  1. Either that, or ignoring your problems is a positive thing.
    "Ignorance is bliss" so to speak.
